Check Out These Priceless Reactions After Trying Some Prison Food!

Being in prison or a holding cell is one of the most grueling things you will ever go through. There is the cold, the claustrophobic walls, the rowdy inmates… then there is the food. It isn’t a miracle that most of the people who make it out of prison are healthy, between the forced diet and exercise to pass the time you won’t have a choice. If you can stomach the mystery food, you will be on a fast track to weight loss. It is a mash up of all the core nutrients you need to survive your jail time. Prison cooks aren’t too interested in flavors or spices, they just want to keep you healthy. If you don’t believe it, check out these guys’ reactions to a morsel of prison food.

YouTube / BuzzFeed Video


5 Responses

  1. binance napotitev 4 months ago

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